
The Provincial Capital Commission (PCC) provides for the operation, management and stewardship of Wascana Centre, enhancing quality of life and creating pride in the capital city. The PCC acts as a regulator for all land-use within Wascana Centre.

The PCC Provides oversight and direction on the development within Wascana Centre in a regulatory role. Focused on ensuring the development of Wascana Centre is regulated through the proper process and aligns with the goals and mandate of the PCC. It provides a key role in day-to-day operational management of the urban park and historic property land and environment, working with internal/external stakeholders and partners on initiatives and opportunities surrounding service delivery. It focuses on the long term sustainability of the environment, ecology education and day-to-day operations of Wascana Centre to ensure a positive benefit for the public is being achieved.


The Ecology Department maintains the balance of nature in a busy urban park. Wascana Centre uses a balanced approach to manage the fish, wildlife and environment within the Centre's boundaries to ensure a useable and enjoyable place. It runs numerous school and children programs dedicated to respecting the environment. Among the numerous initiatives led by the Ecology department are the yearly Goose Management program and stopping the spread of noxious weeds through our waterways.


The Forestry Department manages the ecological health of the urban canopy and monitor pest impacts within Wascana Centre and Government House. It plans, grows, maintains, monitors, and replaces all aspects of the urban forest through the use of an on-site production nursery. It monitors for insects, rodents, noxious weeds and disease on a reactive and proactive basis through the application of an integrated pest management plan for urban parks. It provides services focused on maintaining a healthy public space from an urban forest and landscape perspective through a best practices balanced approach.


The Horticulture Department manages a series of production greenhouses used to grow plants and flowers for stakeholders within Wascana Centre and Government House. It plans, grows, supplies, plants and maintains the floral beds throughout Wascana Centre. It provides a specialized beautification program for Wascana Centre in terms of annual plant delivery and support ensuring that the appearance and care of the floral beds and planting are practicing scale-of-economy on product and best-practice urban park standards.


The Maintenance Department provides multiple services, some of which are; turf irrigation, turf cutting, turf repairing and weed control throughout Wascana Centre. It provides maintenance of recreation and play areas through all seasons including the creation of skating and ski surfaces for public use, along with snow removal on trails, road ways, sidewalks, public parking and event areas. The operation of public washrooms, refuse disposal and graffiti removal is managed by the maintenance department.