We are so excited to invite the public back to Wascana for the Frost Festival!
The Wascana Centre hub revolves around our Rink on Wascana offering free daily public skating. This year will once again feature horse and wagon rides, skating, and active recreation programming for youth and families.
New this year will be a giant programming tent lcoated on the Queen Elizabeth II East Lawn. This heated tent will be open on the weekends and feature youth programming from Wascana Centre's ecology team, the Saskatchewan Science Centre, Royal Saskatchewan Museum, EYES and others. Outside of the tent you will find our new Family Fun Zone featuring fire pits, outdoor games and hte opportunity to slide down the mighty Mount Wascana.
Admission to, and all activities within, the Wascana Centre hub are free of charge.
The Wascana Centre hub - including the Rink on Wascana, warming facility, washrooms, horse and wagon rides and programming tent - was designed to be fully accessible.
For a full list of programming, or for more information visit frostregina.ca.
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